Friday 31 May 2013


I think the diet plan has gone out of the window today!

Someone is leaving and they've brought in naughty treats, of which I have scoffed lots. Oh well. I'll get back on it on Sunday.


Tomorrow I am going to an all you can eat buffet here;!/GovindasNotts?fref=ts

I am also going on a night out here;!/events/579536395400373/?fref=ts 

I don't think I'll bother planning my food intake!

Yummy Biscuits

A work colleague bought these for me. They're from The Co-operative.

They have 105 calories per biscuit and I've added 2 to today's intake!

When it comes to products that state "May contain egg, milk..." etc, I am willing to risk them. As long as a product does not have the non-vegan ingredient in the list then I'm happy.

Food Diary: 31 May 2013

Today's food plan is:

Chocolate Weetabix (1 with water)    79
Soya Milk for Tea (100ml)                 50

Home Made Soup                             32
Fruit Cocktail                                 173
6 Dates                                        150

Vegan Burger                                  87
Cob                                              235

BEER!!! 3 cans of Fosters                 527

Total                                           1333

Today would usually be a 1000 calorie day, but as I am attending a friends BBQ I have altered my intakes.

I realised yesterday that the dates I am eating have less calories than I previously  thought.

Bad Girl!

Last night I added 475 calories to my total intake by having Swedish Glace ice cream and half a bar of dark chocolate.

I missed the gym this morning but I did walk the 4 miles into work.

Thursday 30 May 2013

Recipe: Pizza Cobs


1 cob                     235 (This can vary so do check)
20g soya 'cheese'      58
2 tbsp tomato puree  30
2 pineapple slices      60
Sliced mushroom       The calories in this are under 10 so I don't even bother counting them!


Slice the cob in half and lightly toast it in the toaster or under the grill.

Spread the puree over each half of the cob.

Grate the cheese and put on the cob.

Top with pineapple and mushroom.

Put under the grill to cook the topping for about 5 mins.

Sorry there's no photos for this one, I'm writing it at work!

The topping can be changed of course. I don't like to overload it as it is only a cob.


My intention is to write these recipes to include the amounts and ingredients (including links to where I purchased some items) preparation instructions, photos and calorie content.

I must add this disclaimer that my calorie content might not always be accurate!

Food Diary: 30 May 2013

Today's food plan is:

Chocolate Weetabix (1 with water)    79
Soya Milk for Tea (100ml)                 50

Home Made Soup                             32
Fruit Cocktail                                 173
4 Dates                                        200
Ready Salted Crisps                        174

Home Made Pizza                            387

This totals 1095 which is a bit more than my planned 1000!

Chocolate weetabix with water is more tasty than you might think.

I intened to include recipes for my home made meal items, but I made the soup before I started writing this. I'll post the pizza recipe later. It's currently with the person who is making it for me!

Exercise Regime

I am currently (attempting) to visit the gym 4 times a week. On each visit I use the crosstrainer for 20 minutes and swim for 15 minutes. I then walk the 30 minutes to work.

I am also attending a weekly hour long pole dancing lesson, which I walk to and from, taking 40 minutes in total.

I think I have got a pretty good exercise regime going. I would like to get into exercise videos at home, but when I get home from work I just want to collapse on the sofa!

Food Diary: 29 May 2013

This should have been a 1400 calorie day but as I exceeded my limit the previous day, I reduced it to 1300.

My planned food was:

Porridge (with water)           225
Soya Milk for tea (100ml)       50

Pizza Cobs made from;
Cob                                   235
Soya 'Cheese'                       58
Tomato Puree                       30
Pineapple                             60

4 Onion Rings                     155

Red Thai Curry                    237

Chocolate                           265

Giving a total of                1315

What I actually ate was:

Porridge (with water)           225
Soya Milk for tea (100ml)       50

1/2 Pizza Cob made from;
Cob                                   117
Soya 'Cheese'                       29
Tomato Puree                       15
Pineapple                             30

Red Thai Curry                    237

Chocolate                           265

Ice Cream                           210

Giving a total of                1178

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Staggered Calories Diet

I was originally observing a 1200 calorie per day diet. I have now staggered this as follows:

Monday      1200
Tuesday     1000
Wednesday 1400
Thursday    1200
Friday         1000
Saturday     1200
Sunday       1400

Of course, I can shift these around if I want.

By following this staggered diet I should avoid my body going into starvation mode and slowing metabolism.

Blog Purpose

I don't want to use this blog to preach veganism.

I am currently trying to lose a stone and a half. I'm 5ft 2 and weigh 10 stone. 

I am using a staggered calorie diet. Rather than eating the same amount of calories per day, I am eating the same amount every week but staggering them each day.

I am keeping a food diary but thought that writing this blog would also help and it will give me the opportunity to share my food experiences and low calorie recipes.

Vegan Background

My mum became pescatarian when I was 2. I stopped eating fish several times and attempted veganism once previously. In December 2011 I became vegan again and haven't gone back. 

My reasons are that I don't agree with farming methods. I actually eat eggs that come from the chickens that live at the nursery where my mum works!